Editor's Review:
Flappy Bird is a simple yet incredibly addictive mobile game that captured the hearts of millions around the world. In this game, players control a bird, guiding it through a series of green pipes that are positioned at various heights. The objective is straightforward: navigate the bird between the gaps of the pipes without touching them. A single tap on the screen makes the bird flap its wings and rise, while releasing the tap lets it fall due to gravity. The gameplay requires precision, patience, and timing, as the spaces between the pipes are narrow and the bird's flight is easily disrupted.


Editor's Review:
Flappy Bird is a simple yet incredibly addictive mobile game that captured the hearts of millions around the world. In this game, players control a bird, guiding it through a series of green pipes that are positioned at various heights. The objective is straightforward: navigate the bird between the gaps of the pipes without touching them. A single tap on the screen makes the bird flap its wings and rise, while releasing the tap lets it fall due to gravity. The gameplay requires precision, patience, and timing, as the spaces between the pipes are narrow and the bird's flight is easily disrupted.